Self- Made Collage and Mark Making Book

The idea here was to create a book which we would stitch together ourselves, and use various papers to work on. Papers could be from anywhere and could be anything. For instance tracing paper, paper from envelopes, brown paper, wrapping paper, magazine paper, and even materials such as bubble wrap that we could work on. With these papers, we were instructed to create different effects by folding, marking, pleating, scrunching, tearing, bleaching and anything else we could think to do to create unusual and interesting pages for our books. We could then take the pages further by adding drawings or collages or little works of art to create the books. The photographs here show the pages from my book from start to finish.

I really enjoyed creating this book. I was able to be very experimental and free myself up to create ideas for my pages, and I loved being able to use a huge range of materials in various different ways to create completely different ideas from one page to the next.

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